
Before starting the phase asynchronous motor preparation and checking

1,check the brake motor and boot device grounding is reliable and complete,wiring is correct and in good condition.2,check the motor nameplate is shown in the voltage,frequency and power supply voltage and frequency.3,the newly installed or discontinued for a long time before starting the motor windings should check relative phase,the relatively insulation resistance.Insulation in the group should be greater than 0.5 ohms,if lower than this value,should be the winding drying.electric vehicle motor 4,should check the collector ring on the wound rotor on the brush device can work normally,brush pressure is in line with the requirements.5,check whether the motor rotation is flexible,whether within the sliding bearing oil reaches the oil level.6,check whether the rated current of fuse used motor meets the requirements.7,check the motor and installation bolt fastening bolt are on tight.After the above checks all meet the requirements,can start the motor.Motor starts,no-load running for 30 minutes,observe whether there are abnormal phenomena,such as noise,vibration,fever found abnormal situation,should take measures to stay is eliminated,can be put into operation.

When start the wound motor,should will start the rheostat connected to the rotor circuits.For motor with brush lifting mechanism,should put down the brush,and disconnect short circuit device,close the stator circuit switch,pull (rheostat.When the motor is close to the rated speed,brush,close the short circuit device,motor start over.The wholesalemotor.blogspot.com running maintenance 1,motor running after the regular maintenance,minor repair,overhaul two general points.Minor repair is a general maintenance,not big to the motor start device and a whole disassembly,about one in the first quarter,overhaul to all parts of all transmission device and motor is removed,and will remove the components of a comprehensive inspection and cleaning,usually once a year.2,use instrument monitoring power supply voltage,frequency and the load current of the motor.Power supply voltage,frequency,to comply with the motor nameplate data,motor load current shall not exceed the specified value,the plate of or to find out the reason,take measures to motor fan bad situation to eliminate the rear
can continue to run.3,take the necessary means to each part of the test motor temperature rise.4,for
wound rotor type motor,often should pay attention to the contact pressure between the collector ring
and brush,wear and spark.When motor stalling,should disconnect the switch inside the stator
circuit,then brush lifting mechanism to start position,disconnect short circuit device.5,motor should be always kept clean,there is no debris into the motor internal; Air inlet and outlet must be kept free of traffic.

