
Air conditioning refrigerating capacity calculation formula

Air conditioning refrigerating capacity calculation formula:a:air conditioning,horse originally refers to the input power,including compressor,fan motors and electrical control part,due to different brand their specific system and 8500w gasoline generator electric control design,the output of the refrigerating capacity of different so the refrigerating capacity in terms of output power.In general,the refrigerating capacity of the electricalmotor1.blogspot.com 1 horse big efforts to 2000 calories,converted to international units should be multiplied by 1.162,so the refrigerating capacity of 1 horse stress 2000 kcal x 1.162 = 2324 (w),w here (tile) indicates that the refrigerating capacity,the horse should be 1.5 2000 kcal x1.5 x1.162 = 3486 (w),and so on,

according to the situation,can roughly determine the horse number of air conditioning and refrigerating capacity,in general,can be called a 2600 w,2200 w,1,4500-5100 (w) (w) can be called two horses,a 3600 w,3200 w can be referred to as 1.5.Refrigerating capacity is determined,can according to the motor vehicle actual situation to estimate the capacity of his own family,choose a suitable air conditioner.The greater part of household appliances consume refrigerating capacity,TV,lamp,refrigerator and other every w (w) power consumption refrigerating capacity 1 (w),the direction of the doors and Windows also consumes a refrigerating capacity,the east diesel generators prices window 150 w/m2,west Windows 280 / m2,the south window 180 w/m2,north of 100 w/m2,window so the roof and may consider appropriate to increase the capacity of with a western. When choosing air conditioning,please according to the above introduction,the refrigerating capacity of the estimate for the own size,and choose to the satisfaction of the air conditioner.

