
The winding of the motor faults

Winding is part and parcel of the motors, aging, be affected with damp be affected with damp, heat, erosion, foreign bodies, intrusion, the impact of the external force can cause damage to winding, motor overload, under voltage, over voltage, lack of phase operation can also cause winding fault. Winding grounding, short circuit, open circuit fault generally fall into winding, connection errors. 1, failure phenomenon Chassis charged, heat control circuit is out of control, winding short circuit, the normal operation of the motor. 2, the reason Make insulation resistance winding be affected with damp be affected with damp down? Motor overload for a long time to run? Corrosion of harmful gas? Metal foreign body into winding internal damage the insulation? Rewind stator winding Motor vehicle insulation damage when touch the core? Winding end touch end cover stand? , rotor friction caused insulation burn? Lead wire insulation damage into the shell? Overvoltage (such as lightning) insulation breakdown. 3, processing method, (1) winding drying should be affected with damp be affected with damp cause ground, when cooled to about 60-70 ℃, pour insulating paint again after drying. (2) the end winding insulation damage, in receiving is located in the back of the insulation and painting, dry again. (3) windings to place in the groove, diesel generating set should rewind or replace part windings components.

